Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What A Boring Christmas

What A Boring Christmas

Christmas break is finally here! Time for some gifts, fun time with family, parties with friends and lots of sleep. At least that’s what I was saying until the first day of Christmas break came around. Instead of all the partying and fun time with family, I was stuck in the gym lifting weights and going to basketball workouts with my uncle Brandon EVERYDAY!
The first week of my Christmas vacation went like this; I woke up at 7:00am every morning, walked out to the gym and workout with my uncle and then got back home around 3 o’ clock. Now I planned on sleeping in until like 12 o’ clock over the break, but I see that plans doesn’t always go your way. Sometimes I didn’t eat breakfast because I tried to get as much sleep as I possibly could before I would wake up to go work out. I thought that I would only have to do this for a week, but I found out that I had to do this work out every single day until I went back to school. Even on Christmas Eve. The morning workout wasn’t the worst part though. The afternoon workout in the weight room is what killed me. We would finish in the gym at around 11 and go get a bite to eat then head straight to Deerfield High weight room. When I tell you that I couldn’t feel my arms, I wasn’t telling a lie.  Since he went to college and played basketball on a collegiate level, he knew what workouts to put me through that would prepare me for when it’s my time to go off to college. When I got home and got out the shower and as soon as I touched my bed, I dozed off and fell asleep.
Christmas day was my first day of freedom. I finally got what I really wanted and that was lots of sleep. When I woke up, my dad gave me my gifts that he bought me and I took them in my room and fell off to sleep again. I was so exhausted from all that working out. Later on that day, some of my family came over my house and we ate a big dinner all together, cracked jokes on each other and watched the Heat destroy the Lakers. I really enjoyed all the time I spent with my family. After Christmas, I couldn’t wait for New Years to come so I could have another brake off from all that working. On New Year’s Eve, I went my friend house that lived two blocks down from me and we watched BET all night and watched that ball fall in New York City. I was supposed to be home by 12:30, but since I was having so much fun, I lost track of time and didn’t get home until 1 something in the morning. Good thing my dad wasn’t home because I would’ve ended up in so much trouble.
Even though I didn’t get to do what I planned, my Christmas break wasn’t so bad after all. I got to spend time with family and had fun hanging out with a friend and all that hard work is going to payoff in the long run. That’s the end of my crazy Christmas break story. 


  1. great story brandon! christmas sucked for me too!!!!!

  2. Hey Bradon
    i like how you wrote about your break and i like that it was not just like a normal break it was a special break. I mean I don't think there are a lot of people which work out ALL break and you still ended up don't thinking so bad about it.
